There is no delay in receiving the information. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) gathers uptime and downtime values, that combine stability and accuracy focusing on reduce costs and increase your productivity.
When operational metrics aren't tuned with company goals, possibilities for conflicts are hudge.
Growing profits is one of the top indicators of company business success. Lowering costs represents considerable challenge for increasing profitability more rapidly than other indicators.
Transparent and complete documentation of all production events meet the challenges and opportunities towards Lean Production in Industry 4.0. Perfectly coordinated, and developed to meet the requirements of EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 production environment.
Comparative key indicator analysis factors such as quality, costs and delivery flexibility determine the value chain in this industry - metrics that matter.
With integrated two-way comprehensive communication solutions company continuously improve efficiency and competitiveness.
To obtain optimization of industrial processes, it is necessary to collect the information, either manually or automatically, to ensure its processing and consolidation into a structured database.
Metrics that you can act on and react within minutes.
EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 gives you the right production decision with the latest HW and SW integration technologies. It shows you the metrics that you can act on and react within minutes. Our process data module is perfect visualisation for maintenance and process optimization in modern production environment.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) knows about your production facilities within minutes at the single press of a button.
What metrics actually matter to an operation depends on strategy, industry segment, process type and production and market conditions.