Brings Big Data to the table

To better determine customer needs EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 brings big data to the table and applied it inside to the customer data.

The ability to connect devices, sensors, machines and software enables this rapid collection of data in real-time. This gives managers the ability to improve processes or predict failures before they occur, meanwhile machines can automatically optimise themselves, diagnose problems or configure more efficiently.

Lean Manufacturing

Going forward, we monitor physical processes and create virtual representations to entify weak spots in the process and make decentralized prioritise decisions for improvement opportunities.

EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 enable communication between humans and machines.

Lean Industry 4.0 give manufacturing or operations managers insight into achieving a higher level of production efficiency. As a result, nowadays manufacturers are facing the pressure to cut short the lead times in production in order to reduce time-to-market for products.

Higher level of Production efficiency

Reduce lead time, improve quality, and overall improve the profitability of the operation with set of advanced data analysis.

New technological developments are driving Industry 4.0 forward. Processing power and Data storage resulted in new manufacturing use cases for a range of products.

What're customer needs? Increase product quality at lowest costs and within the shortest possible time in order to retain their position in the market.

Advanced Data Analysis can be applied to customer data to better determine customer needs.

Advanced Data Analysis in Lean Manufacturing

The greatest challenge in Quality Management followed by product complexity is about bringing optimisation, efficiency and raising quality standards to the Lean Manufacturing processes.

Finally our focus is to make many small steps over big leaps, as this will help your learning curve and give you more time to correct mistakes.


Experience matters - Comprehensive Manufacturing IoT Monitoring
GKISAN.IO introduces EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0, comprehensive Industrial IoT Monitoring System Solutions focused on creating a stable and safe process flow for the industrial presses in Real-time featuring Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) Monitoring, Condition Monitoring, Smart Diagnostics, Power Monitoring and a Track and Trace log system. With a high level of standardization and modular design EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 ensure short amortisation period, implementation and integration time into automotive industry production.

It is critical to ensure that the enterprise systems respond effectively. There is no delay in receiving the information related to the breakdown event. Get the better view and get the complete information anywhere and anytime. EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 collect and combine data from various sources. With integrated two-way comprehensive communication GKISAN.IO continuously provide a centralized resource from a single sign-on.

Intranet enhances employee and communication, and collaboration by giving people the tools they need to be productive, informed and engaged. EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 helps people work better, anytime, anywhere makes it easy inside an organization to contribute.

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES): Synchronize factory operations and Business Processes to Monitor the Production Process in Real-Time. From practical experience to practical implementation Real-Time Data Collection display weak points in the production process and directly saves your time and money. Key part is to make the actual work more easier.
Everyone has a gift for something. Through our EMBEDDED-IIMSS 4.0 we help you discover and develop three-step education system - the latest training programs you can find.